Refining Services Update History
Saturday, September 30th, 2006
Refining Service Update – Freedom Extension
Tinoga Enterprises is proud to announce that as of this morning, Freedom Extension entered an agreement with Ramov Tinoga for lossless refining in all of their 90 Stations.
Total Station count with 100% net yield is now 1021, which is more than a fifth of all NPC owned Space Stations in the Galaxy!
We’ll continue to improve our Refining Service.
A public announcement will me made in November 2006, inviting more Pilots to join our customer list.
Thank you,
Ramov Tinoga. -
Saturday, July 29th, 2006
Refining Service Update – Expert Distribution
As of today, Expert Distribution has signed a contract with Tinoga Enterprises for lossless refining in all of their 90 Stations.
Total Station count with 100% net yield is now 931.
Saturday, May 13th, 2006
Refining Service Update – Federal Intelligence Office
A recent Important Storyline Mission boosted my standings with Federal Intelligence Office up to 7.14, which allows me to refine without any loss in 30 more stations.
Total Station count with 100% net yield is now 751.
Friday, March 31st, 2006
Refining Service Update – CBD Corporation
Due to recently achieved Great Standings with CBD Corporation, they allow me to refine without any loss in all of their 90 Stations.
Total Station count with 100% net yield is now 721.
Friday, February 10th, 2006
Refining Service Update – Wiyrkomi Corporation
I now am able to refine without any loss at all 60 stations owned by Wiyrkomi Corporation.
I’ll be working on my standings towards global Caldari Corporations such as
- CBD Corporation
- Expert Distribution and
- Caldari Business Tribunal
Monday, December 5th, 2005
Refining Service Update – FedMart
The Refining Service has been extended to FedMart Stations.
Total Number of possible Stations is now 571.
About the Refining Services Update History
Here you can see when which NPC corporation got added to the Refining Service.